The day started with Morning Prayer imploring God’s blessings which set the tone. 3rd May 2022 is a Red letter day in the history of the Annunciation Convent, Ladyhill, Mangalore, for we are stepping on to the 101st year of our mission here. Though the effect of covid 19 is still prevailing in the state, we felt that the celebration of this great event is necessary because a jubilee is an occasion in the life of an institution, to look back on our goals and achievements which we set on the day, we embarked on this journey and recall God’s benevolence to thank Him.

A hundredfold blessings started pouring in afresh when 22 of us, the members of the community met together to plan the entire programme. The community worked with one mind and one heart, to make the celebration as an enriching and memorable experience for us and all the participants.

The Emeritus Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D Souza arrived at 9.40 am. Along with him some priests and dignitaries were given a grand guard of honour and brought them to the hall by the students of our Ladyhill Victoria High School.

The solemn Mass began at 10 am with the entrance procession with lighted candle while the introduction was read highlighting the significance of the day. There were 8 priests concelebrants. Fr.Paul Melwyn D Souza the Episcopal vicar for religious preached a touching homily. Sisters, staff, ACA’s, Carmel Blossoms, Parish Council members took part in the liturgy and offertory procession. The melodious singing of the choir brought holiness to the liturgy.

After the Mass refreshment was served to all the participants. Within 15 minutes the cultural programme began with a prayer song to invoke God’s blessings. A colorful welcome was accorded by the students of Ladyhill English Primary school. All of us felt the warmth and joy of it. A Jubilee song was sung by our melodious singers which delighted our hearts and minds.

A beautiful documentary through LED screen on the history of the Convent was presented which was prepared by Carmel Kiran Studio Kulshekar with the help of our two sisters. It was a feast to our eyes.

The former Superiors, the former Superior General Sr.Agatha Mary and the former Provincial Superiors, Provincial Superior, Rev. Fr.Paul Melwyn D Souza the Episcopal Vicar for religious and our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Benjamin Pinto were honoured for their labour of love towards the growth of our Institution.

Thanks in plenty to our dear Sr.Nirmalini our Superior General her good wishes inspiring message and encouragement. Gratitude overflows from our hearts to our dear Sr.Shamitha for the love, care and leading us gently and kindly.

The sumptuous meal was served at the end of the programme. Thanks be to God who accompanied us throughout these 100 years with His unending blessings.