St Ann’s Teacher Training Institute, Mangalore held Talents Fest – Prathibhothsava 2023 in the college for a week under the banner – ‘Let your Light Shine forth’.

It was solemnly Inaugurated by Mr. Ramesh K, Retired Principal, Higher Secondary School and sub district Education officer Kasaragod, Kerala who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Prathibhothsava was inaugurated symbolically by unfolding the petals of the lotus – signifying the growth and bringing out the hidden beauty of each student. In his inaugural address, the chief guest invited the student-teachers to educate themselves to the maximum and make their classroom teaching interesting by utilising their talents, potentials to the full. He commended the Institution for its dedicated services to the nation & the quality education for the past 134 years.

Sr. Julie Ann A.C., The Provincial Councillor of Karnataka Province was present for the Programme and encouraged the students to exhibit their talents. The student - teachers performed their first competition – Folk Dance and mesmerised the audience by their stupendous performance.

A week’s Talents Fest included eighteen different competitions both at group and individual level. It provided a platform for the student - teachers to exhibit their talents and feel proud of their own self.

Ms. Rashmi & Ms. Meharaz student teachers compeered the programme as Ms. Shilpa welcomed the gathering and Ms. Shruthi gave the glimpses of the Talents Fest. Ms. Diya Sherin proposed the vote of thanks. Sr. Pramila A.C. the principal, Staff, Students were present for the same.






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